Sandra Nwadi, Esq.


I’m more than joyful for these results of the NBA elections 2020 and my congratulatory write up comes along.

I am totally happy that my main candidate for president, Olumide Akpata won and equally happy that Joyce Oduah, Uchenna Nwadialo, Rapulu Nduka, Nnamdi Anagaor, Naza, etc won.

Congratulations to the newly elected officials!

For the first time in a long whole and in my over 13 years at the Bar, I became hopeful and more excited towards the 2020 elections mostly because of the calibre of candidates coming out and again, the ones I supported.

I gave myself and other folks in my team or crew for reaching out to people to vote for my preferred candidate advice and warning that the best way forward in this election was: persistent appeal, less noise and utmost focus.

So while many folks played dirty, had online fights, had face to face disagreements, found ways to go down dirty and low in crucifying the personality of some candidates unfairly and those who who found toxic low ways to continuously shame some or rather one candidate for having no legal titles or marriage titles or status, not being popular in litigation, etc- Most others people and I stayed focused on our candidate/s and their attributes, 

 their capabilities,  their brilliance, their past achievements, 

their readiness to work and how they have new ideas and are inclusive in outlooks, 

how they would be ready to accept new ideas, unite and listen to others for the good of the bar, especially Olumide, Joyce, etc.

Indeed, I mostly focused on appeals and reaching out to people privately and publicly at times and checking on others to reach out to others and creating new networks and forums.

Olumide did a lot of work and reaching out and I’m sure must like other candidates and possibly did more reaching out and talks, knowing fully well that it’s a great task to convince people. Him and his varying teams put in extra work and efforts and I could feel the steady belief in the air and focus and attachment  by people for him growing daily. 

His various teams and network and friends forums did a great job too. I believe Olumide’s straightforward ways, charisma, his past works and achievements for himself, his firm, for NBA, for individuals  for other organisations and many other unpopular deeds won people over to his side. 

Aaahhh, relief. 

Yes, it became a reality that at the last few weeks and months before elections, more and more people drew towards him and stayed focus on him.

So, yes, playing dirty and attacking or being aggressive a candidate or as part of campaign or supporters team maybe seen fine by people or may help but then, persistent appeals to people, less noise and relying on actual works as a campaigner and capabilities of candidates and finally focus on core plans or projects helps more!

Lack of focus, distraction, being easily rattled, petty, toxic behaviour or views by candidates or their supporters, etc can be a downer or give off negative vibes.

I know for certain many people lost interest in elections and affairs of NBA over the years and were tired of the past elections or its results or processes, past administrations,  officials, polices, etc and some lawyers where also, uncertain who to vote for

 but as the elections drew closer, debates and conversations flew around including toxic attacks, discrimination and of course, appeals, people then adjusted and readjusted and became much cleared in their hearts and heads who to vote as president,  vice, secretary, etc.

The process and election itself has been a unique one but with flaws and yet, a result of a glaring margin and popular voice of the people leaning in towards the winners especially the president elect. 

I am very happy for this.

Still, one needs to further analyse more and figure out better ways to deal with NBA elections, verification process, list of voters releases, help centres, etc.

A good number of valid and eligible voters were unable to vote and this can be painful, disconcerting and leaving a sour taste or feeling on some lawyers not being part of the activities. 

The Bar cant afford the constant complaints or tainting of it’s reputation anymore

when valid voters get unverified or delisted or are verified and don’t get to vote or receive links or face other problems. The Bar should be bigger than these and rise above.

We all learn every day and should continue to do so till death and I am sure new pathways or solutions will be brought to light. Hopeful.

NBA national executives, branch leaders and the general leaders of the bar and even non leaders must come together to find ways to have a hitch free verification and election procedure for the next two years and years ahead.

One could also check for more technical works and supports, do more researches on election, ICT, collation, etc 

or perhaps,  figure out if it is better to have elections transparently and publicly check for votes at branch levels and each result publicly checked and sent to the national or made public in some way to the other while audience watches.

I can still feel the excitement  of many people across Nigeria concerning the unique results and candidates. 

People are hopeful for better governance. All newly elected officials must remember this. 

You know, all the candidates who were part of the elections were all great and great for the various offices they were running for. Their achievements in life and CV were impressive too. Its important that they know these and know they are worthy too.

 For real. 

It’s just that at the end of the day, a person or people would stand by the person/s they believe more in or yearn for. So, for those who were not voted for or who didn’t win, it doesnt mean they are not capable or not achievers or smart or good enough and I hope they realise these too. 

I hope everyone; from supporters to candidates to oast officials to new ones to al lawyers can find a way and find it in their hearts to unite and work together for a better or greater Bar, welfare and more respect gained towards our Bar from lawyers to the nation or continent or world. 

Moreover, a lot of work lies ahead and includes a check on human rights, harrassment of lawyers, a healthy synergy or liason with Bar, bench, police, governance, etc.

 Issues on welfare of lawyers, making the bar all inclusive concerning different aspects of law from military to entertainment to business to space to… A Bar makes it’s people more eager to come together beyond just attending conferences or holding elections. 

Essential future efforts are needed by the Bar for Continuous Legal Education and at all levels,  a pure analysis of the NBA rules and laws guarding lawyers and ultimate amendments in order to bring the Bar upto date with healthier and global standards, removal of stifling and repugnant aspects, norms, clauses, etc would help, checking or creating more room or awareness for practical legal and educative aspects of the business of law  and any other innovations. 

Finally, while we all look forward to working together with the newly elected officials, support the new executives when they start, moving on positively individually with our own lives, I hope to see a new executive that are more than ready to work, flexible with style and inclusive, focused on their various works and offices and achieving their goals and manifesto plans and finally, an executive that will leave great legacies.

Stay accountable, goal oriented and focused, please.

So, that when 2022 and other election years come up, new executives will carry on and everything done including the election procedure and participation and being part of the bar will remain worthwhile for most or all people.💖

Sandra Nwadi Esq. BL. MBA. APNM.

Legal practitioner, writer, poet, composer…


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