Many states in Nigeria pride themselves as the new destinations for investors. How business-friendly is the Ogun State Government to investors and investments?
We are conscious of creating an enabling environment for people to come and work, live, invest, and play. So, we decided to have what we regard as our implementation pillar called ISEYA – ‘I’ for infrastructure, ‘S’ for security and social welfare, ‘E’ for education, ‘Y’ for youth empowerment and job creation, and ‘A’ for agriculture. Through these developmental pillars, we have begun to implement our vision.
Take for instance, the area of infrastructure, we took cognisance of the need to maximise our proximity to Lagos, and so far, we have constructed over 400 kilometres of highways. And of the 400 kilometres of highways, we prioritise the highways that connect us with neighbouring states, particularly Lagos. Today, four years and a few months into our tenure, you can travel between Lagos and Ogun states and it will take you less than an hour. When we assumed office, it took one probably two or three hours or even more. So, more people are now coming to Ogun State to live, work, hold conferences, and play because we are easily accessible.
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